Poems of Friendship
Christian Friend
Christian friend is different That
had known Christ they're both Some
questions raised and being bent Quite
hard for me to quote The
Christian friend is rare In
knowing each one finds Deeper
meanings like the air When
blows then know our minds The
Christian friend is blessing In
whom God sent to be Strengthens
us in sacrificing Trials
we don't see The
Christian friend is peace Who
helps in time of need The
other friend who's not on ease To
comfort she can lead The
Christian friend is love Who
helps us see his heart Believing
God the Father above Is
real not just art And
Christian friend is grace To
whom she would be guide That
one must seek to see God's face A
friend, I can abide. -Pat-
of a hundred times we thought Our
minds can't really seek Or
there are thoughts within our hearts We
cannot express or speak But
thankful that of life's great gifts A
God who gave us grace For
there are times we cannot see Whatever's
next at pace Now
let me say how thankful I Who
found you in this world A
lot of precious times were there Could
have not been just heard For
I do treasure at this point That
what I said's been true I've
always said the best I could A
friend, there's none like you -Pat-
Friend Like You I
love to hear you say like this That
I'm a friend whom you will miss For
there were times we could not see One
part of you and part of me Sometimes
it's bad to know out there A
time we need to meet out where Just
like in tales and stories heard A
tragedy of a dragon's word I
do not mind or will you see What's
been a friend of you and me? To
think it twice needs only once That
I'm your friend not of a chance I
thank you much and thank you more You're
such a friend I'll treasure for. -Pat- Just
like you, I can't say We're
just friends since yesterday I'm
not worth to speak how much I
liked you in a way such I
like to hold you, but could I? My
hands are tight, I can't ask why Since
I saw you, then I knew you Only
through friendship, we are due I
can't look straight into your eyes I
am afraid, should I say lies? If
I wouldn't tell, are we friends true? I
thought friends tell the truth or no? Let
me stay to be this way I'm
a friend you'll ever be To
fall in you is not restriction Each
of friends has one good reason. -Pat- Badar
cracks me joke and gives a smile Those
days I felt so bad And
takes some few things there a while Those
days I seem so bad She
made me happy tells me so If
I do feel so down Encouraged
me to smile instead Than
having me to frown She
added color to a day With
blue skies there above That
even though the color's gray Is
there the friendship's love Joint
friends she's nice to know In
fact she's not too shy She
answers when you ask her too And
there you know her why. -Pat- To
Help You
must not avoid me To
show you my concern Whatever
is there the matter I
know it's worth to learn That
in helping you I
would be able to express The
words that hearts don't speak And
true meanings in kindness And
asking her why Above
the rest and others? That
choosing you then Is
there something where it matters? No
it is not how much But
what there kindness tells The
heart of man when soft That's
where happiness dwells So
friend I'll tell you why Of
all these helps in hand I
do not count a single dime I
hope you'll understand. -Pat-
Are A Blessing
day I wake up from my bed And
see the sun's rays from my head I
always think the joys you've made Into
my heart where love had stayed Each
time that you are on my side Each
blessing there that I abide I
know how God gave you to me A
blessing one must look and see Because
you are a blessing here Each
time I see, each time I hear Each
time I lived, each time I spent You
are a blessing to me sent -Pat- Your Friendship If
just I had the chance to say How
much your friendship meant to me It
means a lot, it means much more Than
what you think now in store Because
your friendship helped me say Each
time I know it, makes my day It
brightens up like sunshine's rays And
like the raindrops on my face And
inspiration on my part A
loving gift to one's heart For
me and you and everybody else A
touch from heaven, in us it dwells For
you are sweet than what I've thought A
loving gift I didn't bought A
treasure kept since from the start Still
I say, kept in my heart. -Pat-
Friend I can’t imagine what the world Will
view much more of Friendship Because
in it sometimes we’re blind The
essence of companionship That
friendship gives a lot of meaning That
sometimes’ left unseen But
if we open both our eyes There’s
something deep within The
motivation in each captured moment That’s
caught within the time Wherein
we’ll seek all everywhere And
find our friends divine And
that is what a friendship means Each
time I think of you If
you have time then think it twice If
friendship’s worth to do Sometimes
we fear, sometimes we lose We
feel some gossips, hard to choose But
each time it happens I’m
not losing hope I
know that in friendship Or
hardship we’ll cope I
don’t know where it’s leading I
don’t see ahead I’m
not much of a clairvoyant So
not all words are said So
at this very moment Just
let me share what’s best You’re
one of a friend That’s
different from the rest
In this world where I considered myself to exist, I still look upon whom those I loved as those people who inspired me to see the success I made in this life. All glory to God for my achievements and honor to whom God honored....my Friends. |